Virtual Measurement Tool

Utility Feature for VR Sketching Tool

This project led to the first production version of the spatial measurement feature for the Gravity Sketch VR toolset. It focused on improving usability by allowing precise creation, manipulation, and sharing of work within the application. This feature lead to more users finding deeper ways to incorporate Gravity Sketch into their 3D workflows.

My Role

Sole Product Designer


Concept Ideation

Wireframes & Storyboards

High Fidelity Immersive Design

Interactive Prototypes

Micro Interactions

Team Members

VR Software Engineers


Q3 2021

_understanding the user


_understanding the user


_understanding the user


From beta feature to shipped product…

From beta feature to shipped product…

From beta feature to shipped product…

Before this project, a beta measurement tool, part of a feature called the toolbelt, was already released to the public. While the feature was in use, we received feedback from our customers that the tool had potential but was too difficult to use in its current state.

I started by asking these questions…

I first wanted to know how and why people were using the current tool and what stopped them from using it more. I also explored how similar software implemented measurements to further understand the expectations and mental models of our users.

How were users using the beta measurement tool in there workflow?

What were their pain points while using the tool and why?

How did other 3D modeling software handle measurements?

Use Cases

Here's how they used measurements

Use Cases

Here's how they used measurements

Use Cases

Here's how they used measurements

Validating Imported Geometry

Users checked their imported geometry to ensure it was dimensionally accurate so that their sketches were drawn to scale.

Communicating to Stakeholders

They also used them to mark dimensions on their finished sketch, helping designers hand off work smoothly without leaving Gravity Sketch.

Correcting Dimensional Accuracy

Measurements also helped correct earlier scaling mistakes in the sketches. Users would place a measurement, then adjust and resize the sketch to match it.

Pain Points

What users were struggling with...

Pain Points

What users were struggling with...

Pain Points

What users were struggling with...

Impermanent Measurements

Measurements would go away permanently when the tool was closed. This led to tedious workarounds and hacks in order to keep the measurements visible in the sketch.

Inaccurate Placement

Users found it difficult to place a measurement at a specific point in 3D space due to the inaccuracy of their hand movements and the shape of the measurement cursor.

Rigid Aesthetic

Users had to use workarounds in order to give a measurement a specific aesthetic and match the visual theme of their sketch.

Difficult to organize

Users had to use labor intensive workarounds to organize and structure their DIY measurements to declutter their sketch.

Difficult to find

Many users who need this feature might not find it because it's hidden behind a gesture-based menu.

Hard to Read

The visual appearance of the measurements made it difficult to determine where the endpoints were placed.

Competitve Analysis

Measurements in other similar software

Competitve Analysis

Measurements in other similar software

Competitve Analysis

Measurements in other similar software

Arkio: Architecture VR App

Arkio used a laser pointer approach for placing and snapping measurements. They were a temporary way to verify preexisting geometry. They did not persist when the tool was not in use.

Maquette: Microsoft Immersive Design App

Maquette’s measurements were contextual. They didn't have a dedicated tool; instead, they showed the dimensions of objects when creating new geometry.

Blender: 3D Modeling App

Blender had a similar technique to Arkio but differed in how they utilized their own unique preexisting interaction patterns while placing and manipulating dimensions.

Product Deep Dive

Lastly, I took a close look at the current state of the product.

Product Deep Dive

Lastly, I took a close look at the current state of the product.

Product Deep Dive

Lastly, I took a close look at the current state of the product.

To ensure the new measurement tool would be familiar and easy to use for our current user base, I thoroughly analyzed the interaction patterns and UI already present in the app.

Here's how we defined the problem space…


How can we enhance users' confidence, accuracy, and flexibility in placing and managing measurements within their sketches?


Make measurements persistent for easy organization and editing. Make them snap into place easily by balancing control and simplicity.


To increase feature adoption and legitimize the precision capabilities of Gravity Sketch

_concept exploration


_concept exploration


_concept exploration


Brainstorming exercise to explore different ways to represent measurements

Brainstorming exercise to explore different ways to represent measurements

Brainstorming exercise to explore different ways to represent measurements

To better design for VR,
I designed in VR

To better understand the end user, I created collaborative 3D ideation rooms. These rooms allowed me to spatially mock up concepts and review them to scale in context with others.

Concept Proposals

The concepts I proposed...

Concept Proposals

The concepts I proposed...

Concept Proposals

The concepts I proposed...

Concept: Measurement Tag

In this proposal, measurements are placed as tags onto preexisting pieces of geometry. They persist on the object even when the underlying geometry is changed or edited. This ensures the user can always easily verify the dimensions and get real-time feedback about changes.

Concept: Measurement Tag

In this proposal, measurements are placed as tags onto preexisting pieces of geometry. They persist on the object even when the underlying geometry is changed or edited. This ensures the user can always easily verify the dimensions and get real-time feedback about changes.

Concept: Measurement Tag

In this proposal, measurements are placed as tags onto preexisting pieces of geometry. They persist on the object even when the underlying geometry is changed or edited. This ensures the user can always easily verify the dimensions and get real-time feedback about changes.

Interactive Prototypes

Unity Prototypes for Interaction Exploration

Interactive Prototypes

Unity Prototypes for Interaction Exploration

Interactive Prototypes

Unity Prototypes for Interaction Exploration

Defining Measurement Visual

I started by mocking up a playable prototype of the visuals and placement interaction.

Experimenting with Cursor

Then, experimented with how to make the cursor appear more precise.

Mocking Up High Fidelity Prototype

Finally, I created a high fidelity prototype of the full feature to better demonstrate the design to the developers.



Introducing the Measurement Tool

The new feature lets users create and manage measurements like strokes in GS. It makes it easy to snap to axes or other pieces of geometry. Users can change how measurements look and where they are placed, cutting down on mistakes and giving more control. The updated measurement lines help users place the cursor accurately.

Teaching users how to use the new tool

I created a 3D interactive guide to show users the new feature. This guide helped users understand how to use the feature and its possible uses. It was our first time using this type of guide, and it influenced our future user onboarding and tutorials.

_what happened next


Gathered feedback and interviewed power users to gain insight into the effectiveness of improvements.

Saw an increase in the usage of measurements in qualitative data gathered from social media posts and client interactions.

Tracked and identified areas of future improvement based on feedback.


  • Working closely with engineers and other team members was important to quickly test and try out ideas.

  • Explaining complex features & concepts without using code required greater creativity and visual storytelling

  • When designing VR interactions, it was important to make early prototypes often to see how interactions felt.

  • Dogfooding and using the feature during development helped identify areas for improvement.


If I were to redo this project, I'd involve user feedback and testing earlier in the process. It would mean evaluating and testing concepts with potential users before we settle on a more finalized direction so that we could catch usability issues sooner.

_what happened next


Gathered feedback and interviewed power users to gain insight into the effectiveness of improvements.

Saw an increase in the usage of measurements in qualitative data gathered from social media posts and client interactions.

Tracked and identified areas of future improvement based on feedback.


  • Working closely with engineers and other team members was important to quickly test and try out ideas.

  • Explaining complex features & concepts without using code required greater creativity and visual storytelling

  • When designing VR interactions, it was important to make early prototypes often to see how interactions felt.

  • Dogfooding and using the feature during development helped identify areas for improvement.


If I were to redo this project, I'd involve user feedback and testing earlier in the process. It would mean evaluating and testing concepts with potential users before we settle on a more finalized direction so that we could catch usability issues sooner.